In this thrilling new installment, the herd is forced to face the most dangerous natural threat yet—an elemental upheaval of nature itself. As the planet continues to evolve, new phenomena are emerging, far beyond the freezing cold and melting ice of the past. The world is now facing the chaotic clash of earth, fire, wind, and water. Earthquakes, volcanoes, and massive storms are tearing the land apart.
Manny, Ellie, and their now-adult
daughter Peaches have grown into a close-knit family, but as Peaches embarks
on a journey of her own, Manny must grapple with the feeling of empty nest
Diego and his fierce mate Shira are thriving as leaders of a new saber-toothed tiger pack, but Diego’s heart is torn between his responsibility to his herd and his instincts as a predator. Meanwhile, Sid the sloth, still full of optimism, dreams of starting a family, yet struggles with the realities of being a loveable loner.
The adventure kicks off when Scrat, the
ever-mischievous squirrel, uncovers an ancient meteorite with mystical
properties. As always, in his obsessive pursuit of his precious acorn, he
inadvertently triggers a chain reaction that sets off a massive elemental
storm, threatening to destroy everything the herd has known.
Manny, Sid, Diego, and the rest of the
gang must embark on a perilous journey across rapidly transforming
landscapes, facing fire-breathing volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, and
dangerous creatures mutated by these elements.
Along the way, they meet new allies, including a group of creatures with the ability to harness the elements, and the herd realizes that only by working together can they hope to restore balance to the world.
With Scrat causing havoc as usual and
plenty of humor, heartwarming moments, and lessons about family and the
power of unity, Ice Age 4: Clash of the Elements is an action-packed
continuation of the classic Ice Age saga.